Also note that there are a large number of ways that non-network services can be procured...

1. Tariffs/rates that are dynamic and/or locational

2. Direct procurement (contracting)

3. Flexibility platforms for trading NWAs

Each approach has pros and cons. The future probably requires some rates/tariffs working in tandem with some sort of procurement platform.

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FYI - the Australian Energy Regulator has implemented a similar concept to the NY VDER. It is called the Customer Export Curtailment Value (CECV). The CECV places a value of DER exports and requires the local networks to augment the grid when the cost of doing so is less than the overall benefit of more DER generation.

Ref: https://www.aer.gov.au/networks-pipelines/guidelines-schemes-models-reviews/customer-export-curtailment-value-methodology

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